These mounted warriors can dominate most infantry on open ground. Swadians feature the heaviest cavalry available in the game, the Swadian Knight. Now that battle lines have been drawn once again, the Swadian throne has called his vassals to war. The Swadians are a proud and haughty nation, having once controlled most of Calradia. Many a foe has fallen at the walls of a Vaegir stronghold due to their prowess. They have a mix of fairly strong cavalry and infantry, but their marksmen are second to none. The Vaegirs call the eastern mountain ranges of Calradia home.

This faction is entirely infantry-based, with weak archer support but arguably the strongest infantry in the game. Their fierce Huscarls fight with axe and javelin, striking fear into the hearts of their opponents. Residing along the northern coast of Calradia, these hardy warriors are unmatched on foot. You are an adventurer, forging your own path in the world.